Up To 50% Off Valentines Gifts* T&C's apply*

Take Their Breath Away

Discover exceptional ARCTIC LIGHT colourless, Canadian, natural diamonds, exclusively at Ernest Jones. Find engagement rings that use pure Canadamark certified and IGI certified diamonds from the most pristine place on Earth.

Born in Canada's Northwest Territories, where the awe-inspiring beauty of untamed wilderness and untouched waters watch over diamonds that formed here more than a billion years ago, ARCTIC LIGHT diamonds are 100% traceable from the mine to the stunning finished piece.

Deep Within The Majestic Northwest Territories of Canada 200 Kilometres South of The Arctic Circle.

This is The EXACT PLACE Where ARCTIC LIGHT Colourless Diamonds Come From.

This is Where Love Began.

Colourless Diamonds

From the Northwest Territories of Canada

Exclusive to Ernest Jones

100% Traceable to Ekati or Diavik Mine-of-Origin

Over 1 Billion Years Old

Premium Double-Certification Canadamark + IGI™

arctic light

Traceable to the mine

Fully traceable means you can follow your ARCTIC LIGHT diamonds unique journey, from its Canadian origin to your finger. Your rough diamond is assigned a unique Canadamark identification number and comes with a IGI certificate so you can be fully confident of your ARCTIC LIGHT Diamond’s Canadian Mine-of-Origin.​


Leonardo Da Vinci Solitaire Ring on hanf flat on table

Colourless Diamonds

Leading the way in traceability and Canadian ARCTIC LIGHT transparency, state-of-the-art tracking technology tracks where your diamond is mined and traces the steps of its unique journey. You can access your diamond’s digital passport, showing its fully traceable, authenticated journey whenever you like.


Leonardo Da Vinci Solitaire Ring with light shining through

Is my ARCTIC LIGHT diamond responsibly sourced?

Yes, like all our diamonds, every ARCTIC LIGHT Diamond is conflict-free and responsibly sourced. The difference here is that you can trace your diamond to its exact Canadian mine-of-origin.​ See our Diamond Sourcing Policy for more details.


Arctic light yellow gold engagement ting

The Diamond Journey

Arctic light platinum engagement rings

The Jewellery Journey

The traceable Leonardo Da Vinci Cut diamonds come with a documented and verifiable history of their journey from their country of origin. From design, and sourcing of materials, to polishing, cutting, planning and assessing, state-of-the-art tracking technology means you can access your diamond’s digital passport, showing its fully traceable, authenticated journey. The traceability of these diamonds means maintaining transparency and accountability at each stage of their production and distribution. To validate the responsible sourcing and conflict-free nature of Leonardo Da Vinci Cut diamonds, each one comes with a GSI certificate to give you peace of mind and assurance. 

To view the ARCTIC LIGHT diamond collection please visit your nearest store.